Soil & Water's Green Infrastructure Projects
NYC Soil & Water Conservation District has constructed and maintains ten green infrastructure sites in Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx. These projects range from green roofs to rain gardens to stormwater capture planters. See some of our stormwater capture planters in the slideshow below. These planters divert rooftop runoff from the downspout into planter boxes. The downspout diverter is connected to a rain barrel that controls the water level in the planters. From the rain barrel, rain water is piped to one or multiple planter boxes, where water is either detained and slowly reenters the sewer system or evaporates. Water in excess of the maximum volume will overflow into the existing sewer line. See our 2014 green infrastructure report for a listing of our projects through 2014! (Does not include two of the sites below, which were constructed after 2014).
2014 District GI Report