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Try Your Own Green Infrastructure Project


Backyard green infrastructure projects can be simple and cheap, depending on what kind of project you'd like to do, while helping reduce stormwater from entering the combined sewer system and polluting our waterways.

Check out this blog post from Maryland that debunks some of the myths you may have heard about green infrastructure. If installed properly and maintained well, your green infrastructure won't become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and doesn't have to cost a fortune.

A cover for "Green Infrastructure Guide" with a person behind greenery, for New York City property owners.

Earlier this year, we put together a Green Infrastructure Guide for Private Property Owners, full of resources specific for NYC homeowners. There are also plenty of online guides for DIY green infrastructure projects, such as GrowNYC's Green Infrastructure Toolkit, and IOBY's Guide to Green Infrastructure

We'd love to hear how your green infrastructure project goes, and connect you to any resources you may need in the process. Contact:

Green Infrastructure Guide for Private Property OwnersIOBY's Guide to Green Infrastructure