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Planning Tools To Improve Water Quality Of Your Neighborhood Waterway

Illustration of sewer problems including backups, street flooding, catch basin clog, and basement flooding, with the text "SEWER PROBLEMS?" and "OSA NYC."

Open Sewer Atlas NYC Workshop
Tuesday, February 3rd 2015, 6 - 8pm
Hudson River Foundation, 17 Battery Pl #915, New York, NY, 10004

Open Sewer Atlas NYC will be hosting a workshop to share ideas, discuss the tools and resources needed to understand the sewer system, and identify best management practices for stormwater management in NYC. We will be sharing data and graphics developed through a year long study of NYC's sewer system including printed sewer maps and an online sewer mapping resource! We are excited to share our work with you and create an opportunity for organizations and individuals interested in improved stormwater management to come together. Join our conversation at the beautiful Hudson River Foundation space, thanks to the support of NYC Soil & Water Conservation District, Stormwater Infrastructure Matters Coalition, and NY-NJ Harbor & Estuary Program.

For more information, contact 
Please RSVP by January 30th.